BGC Nassau Foundation Announces New President & Executive Board Elections

The Board of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Nassau County Foundation announces the election of Board President and Chair of the Executive Committee, Ann Moser. Moser has been a Board member since 2009 and was previously Foundation Vice President and chair of the Marketing & Communications Committee.
Starting July 1, Moser succeeded previous President, Steve Nadeau, who will remain on the Board and Executive Committee as immediate past president. In addition, the Board has elected the following members to the Executive Committee: Sarah Edwards as Vice President of Finance, Nancy Carpenter as Secretary, Van Dyke Walker as Vice President of Facilities, and Joan Sheppard as Vice President.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Nassau County Foundation’s mission is to fund and operate Nassau County’s after-school and summer programs which benefit the community’s youth by providing them with a safe place to improve their academics, be engaged with positive role models, and develop into confident leaders.
Our “Working” Board of Directors continually reviews and assesses the community’s future needs to align services that help our youth. They ensure professional protection of funds and careful allocation of dollars, and work tirelessly to protect and maintain our facilities for the two local Clubs.
Though they receive no compensation of any sort, they are all “working” Board of Directors. They head up or serve on various Foundation committees to perform duties such as marketing and communication, provide financial and budgetary services, conduct money management, and, of course, organize and execute fundraising efforts and events. In addition, most Directors volunteer in the Clubs. Directors also make a financial commitment to the Foundation and Clubs.
We welcome these new appointments and look forward to our continuing growth to reach all children who need us most in Nassau County.